Les amplis Linea economise de l'energie

Les amplis Linea economise de l'energie

Simplement economiser

When connecting to a Linea research M Series or C series amplifier using system engineer the “Setup” page allows the device to save power by going into a low power mode when it is not being used. Standby is a fast mode which saves some energy, but will wake-up very quickly if an audio input is detected. The associated Standby Time parameter allows the amplifier to automatically go into power-save if no audio signal has been detected for a period of time. This function can be defeated by setting the latter control to Manual. Linea would strongly advise leaving it set to automatic however as there is no negative consequence to doing this since ‘wake-up’ on detecting the presence of an audio input signal is instantaneous.

The Standby Now ‘parameter’ allows the amplifier to be put into standby mode manually when it is not being used.

Sleep is a deep power save mode which saves the most energy, however it will take a small number of seconds for the amplifier to wake-up, and it may only be woken up manually (either from the PodWare application or by switching the device off then on again). The associated Sleep Time parameter allows the amplifier to automatically go into Sleep mode if no audio signal has been detected for a period of time. This function can be defeated by setting the latter control to Manual.

External Breaker Protection (EBP)

The Setup page provides access to the External Breaker Protection (EBP) feature, which allows the output power to be limited in order to prevent the nuisance tripping of mains circuit breakers or fuses when the amplifier needs to be operated on a mains supply with restricted capacity. Set the EBP value to that of the circuit breaker or fuse to which the amplifier is connected