Linea’s 48M Series of eight output channel amplifiers are optimised for live sound applications. Offering a unique combination of massive power and peerless audio performance integrated with unique DSP, the 48M Series represents an unmatched advancement in amplifier technology.
Sharing the same feature set and form factor as Linea’s 44M Series of four channel amplifiers the 48M Series is available in models that develop between 400Watts and 2,500 Watts per channel (up to 2,500 Watts for a bridged pair). Unusually these are not, ‘transient’, ‘burst’ or ‘peak’ power figures, they are the power levels that are delivered by all channels simultaneously even when driven with the same dense program material.
With Linea amplifiers there is no need to ration power between channels, you can use all the power you have paid for all the time. This has been independently verified.
Product code: L44M06
Model | 2 Ohms | 4 Ohms | 8 Ohms | 70/100V |
48M06 | 750W | 750W | 750W |
Browse the complete 48M 8 Channel Touring range here